Tinker Bell

Perhaps there is
Still so much
To treasure about
What have intrigued
You then. What had sent
You scampering behind
My tail has already been
Like a bird without
Wings, its glorious feathers in
Tatters, I still stand
Here before you. Enduring
Your indifferent gaze. As if
I can will you
To look at me.
Cherish me.
Treasure me. As you did
Perhaps we were but kids
Then. Only too excited
About the promise of love’s
Magic. To eager to
Explore each other. Too restless
Before the awakening of all
Our dormant nerves.
Now to you, the magic has
Gone. The exploration, ended
The nerves, so tired in their
Wakefulness, I have
Exhausted my stardust… I have
Run out of potions… I have
Run out of spells.
I have run out of

(by Puchette Reynoso Hernandez)

...was given by a special friend when we parted way back in 1994