
happy friday the 13th!!!
the first for 2009.

i feel lucky today :)



a reminder to all the ladies out there...
happy February!

Girl meets boy.
Girl likes boy.
Girl goes out with boy.
Girl spends night with boy.
Girl winds up with an unplanned pregnancy.

Sounds familiar? Sadly, this scenario has been played out one too many times. Studies have shown that the number of unplanned pregnancy has steadily risen in recent years. Women accidentally conceiving, caught in a difficult situation, faced with tough decisions. It may be that she isn’t ready nor prepared to be a mom yet, whether mentally, financially, or emotionally. Or she might be ready, but her partner isn’t. It may also be that it was a casual one-night-stand and a baby would not fit anywhere in the grand scheme of things. Truth is, it may be a lot of things.

Forget the unreliable practice of letting your partner supply his own stash of protection. Take the matter into your own hands – when you’re in the mood, you better be good. If you’re not prepared, then delay sex. Because the reality is, all it takes is one careless encounter, and everything will change. Is that really a risk worth taking?

Embrace your sexuality. Enjoy life, experience life, and everything it has to offer. Just remember to be safe. Live life to the fullest. And with utmost care. Never get into a situation unprepared and unprotected. That little sensibility will go a long way into ensuring you have a good future ahead. And a baby, a family of your own, at the right time in your life. Not a single second earlier.

***Source: Frenzy condom ads.